Thursday, May 05, 2005

Day of Prayer

How powerful that today is the day of prayer. Today, Noah Allen Whaley will be 2 days old, around 9am. We spent the better part of the last half of yesterday at Texas Childrens hospital. Noah arrived around 1pm, where they began testing immediately. What for, what did they find, what do they think, how will they fix it??? They are all just questions waiting to be answered right now.

As it is today, Noah is breathing on his own. He has a tube in his mouth in case he has a seizure, but as far as draining the fluids from his lungs, that has been completed (I believe). There was a great show of love last night for the Whaley's, from family and friends, and friends of family. There is a lot to write and inform you of, but its hard to think how to order it, and where to put it. Right now, Julie and Ethan and Alyssa need our prayers. They need us to run into the palace of our Creator, bow down at his knees, and worship Him, and then petition and pray and ask for baby Noahs body to be completely healed. For the hands of Jesus to hold Noah close to his chest.

Last night at First Colony Church chapel, some of our church body and family held a prayer time for Noah and the Whaleys. It reminds me how God designed the body to function. When one part hurts, we all hurt. We one part rejoices, we all rejoice. I want to say thank to that gift of love last night, as well as the continual prayers.

April (Julie's sister-inlaw) had inquired what we should be telling our children about what is going on right now, and this is what was initially said:
Tell your kids that Jesus is holding Noah right now, while his mommy and daddy cannot. Because our kids know Jesus, and they know he Loves us, and they know he is here to help us. And what better image to have, than Jesus sitting at the side of Noah... loving his heart, holding his hand, singing him songs, telling him stories(or parables) of the times when He was here among us.
Lord grant us strength.
More updates to come later.... steve(julie's brother)

(Please feel free to leave a comment for the Whaleys. You do not have to create a login, you can just click anonymous and leave name in post)

Here are some preliminary emails about Noahs first few days:

Wed, 4 May 2005 07:51am Please update this. Noah is being moved to Texas Childrens this morning. I dont have any information other than that. I believe they were going to do a CAT scan, but not sure if that was done or will be done once he's moved. Please lift them up, Julie Ethan, Alyssa and Noah. Steve

Wed, 4 May 2005 08:07am I have a prayer request for my new nephew, Noah Whaley, born yesterday morning, 9am. Julie (my sister) and Ethan are being transferred from a hospital in Rosenberg to Texas Children's Hospital. He was born with a great deal of fluid in/on his lungs, and had trouble breathing in his first 10minutes of life. He was taken to the NICU where they were able to get him stable, put him on a ventilator, take blood work and xrays. All tests came back with no sign of infection or abnormalities in the lungs. His oxygen levels were good, and his blood gas was good. Just a lot of fluid in the lungs to expel. He was given a "drainage" tube to do this, and was pushing out the fluid on his own for the most part. His oxygen level via the ventilator was lowered yesterday, as they were trying to enable his lungs to perform their job. This morning, they were scheduled for a CAT scan to rule out any brain related cause for some of his delayed movements as they monitored him. The Doctor came in this morning, and decided to move them to Texas Childrens Hospital. I dont know why, or what prompted the move, etc... it would only be a brothers guess and a great deal of speculation. Please lift up Julie and Ethan in your prayers as they cope and struggle with this situation of life. Lift up Alyssa, 2yrs old June4th. Terry Whaley is Ethans mom, and Julies parents are Tim and Donna Eller. Thank you for the church body to come together in this time as one part hurts, so that we can all take over and help heal. Steve
Wed, 4 May 2005 11:47am Please pray for little man Noah. A physician from Tx.Childrens (who picked up Noah in ambulance for transport) stated it was a miracle he is breathing on his own, due to the low and lack of response from neurological testing that has been performed thus far. Noah is going to TCH now to undergo 3-4hours of testing for neurological damage, responses, etc... Julie and Ethan will be going to hospital shortly with Alyssa, as Wed/Sun are the only days 2yr olds can visit the NICU. A miracle may describe it, but we know the true hand of God, or at least we trust we know it. Please offer up your petition to the Lord for his protection and deliverance, through the will of his Powerful Spirit and blood of Christ. Steve


At May 05, 2005 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are praying for your whole family. I wish would could be there, I am not sure why, or how it would help, but nonetheless. We are praying for you and so are the members of our church here in Monroe. Rob and I have seen enough miracles regarding our boys to know that He is more than capable to protect and heal little Noah. We will continue to earnestly pray for the Great Physician to heal baby Noah. With love and prayers, Rob, Lisa, David and Jack

At May 05, 2005 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own baby Noah in the hands of the Lord and HE will heal him. We are all focusing our prayers onto baby Noah and onto you Julie and Ethan. If there is anything I can do to help, please, please know I'm here to help.
Our love and prayers - Heart, Shad, Jordan, Sydney

At May 05, 2005 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are lots of prayers going up right now for precious Noah as well as for all of you. The Lord can do "more than all we think or even imagine." You are much loved. Randy Reese

At May 05, 2005 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love this child so much and we are taught by his exsistence that a miracle such as him and God who created him is what our lives are meant to be like. Perfect and so very precious. All our prayers are with this beautiful angel and we cry to the heavens to save his existence so we can watch him grow and be great in the Lord. We truly believe that children that survive these types of beginnings will do great things with their lives...and those who don't, bless their little hearts...just didn't have the physical strength to endure this hard world. And that, hard as it would be to accept... he would be with Jesus. Either way, Jesus holds him and we wait on God's decision.

At May 06, 2005 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At May 06, 2005 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know our thoughts and prayers are with Noah and his family. We have our church praying for him too. God is in control and His will will be done.
Love Sally, Franklin, and Kristin, Donna's cousin

At May 06, 2005 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lord.Wrap your arms around this family and hold them so tightly while your will is realized.
Betty Lawless

At May 07, 2005 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie and Ethan, It is almost 1am Friday night. We just got into town and I had to login to check on Noah. I am crying tears of joy to hear that he is voluntarily moving his arms and legs...this is great progress. Little by little his brain is healing...all he needs is steps. You are in our thoughts every minute. My heart is so hopeful.
Stephen's work staff said a prayer for Noah today. God has heard all of us and he will answer our prayers.
Love, Abby & Stephen

At May 09, 2005 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you and give you peace. The Lord be gracious unto you.

I pray that the Lord will fill you with His Presence and pour our comfort to you. I am, praying for Noah and for you.

God bless you,
Pam McGuire
FirstColony C of C


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