Thursday, May 05, 2005

Thursday's Summary

I'm wrapping up the day with a brief summary of everything I can remember, in case we left something out, or in case I just need to release it.

After Noah's MRI, they removed the ventilator tube. The only tube he has now is a feeding tube. Now that there is no ventilator tube, Julie was able to hold him for the first time tonight. I was able to spend a few moments in the room with her and Noah, while she rocked him and talked to him. Not sure how much it helped Julie, but it sure was nice to see her arms around him. And have him wrapped up in those pink,blue delivery blankets.

There has not been any results or news from the Dr's, which is why you haven't heard much.
Mom just called me on their way home to share some quick updates. Which are introduced with the cautious comment of this could mean anything.

This evening while Mom and Dad (tim and donna eller) where in their with Noah, he arched his back. The nurses however were not around during this time. Julie also said tonight, when she would tickle and scratch the bottom of his feet, he would curl his toes. If those reflexes last or not, if they are real or not, I don't mind seeing them. It does my heart good to see his body receiving the signals it needs.

The preliminary tests on the placenta and other bloodwork don't lead the doctors to think there is an infection. But they were also unable to get any fluid during his spinal tap. Another tap may be done later, but has not been scheduled at this point.

Your prayers and love are deeply felt. God is in control. I hope today's Day of Prayer has brought you closer to God than you were this morning.


At May 05, 2005 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ones,
My heart and the hearts of all who know you (and now know of you) are crushed. Please know there are 1,000's of prayers boldly being shouted every moment for Noah Allen and all of you and your families. Many more will be praying soon since we are finally back online. Satan was at work, but we know he is already defeated! I am so grateful to Uncle Steve for this blog! Loving you in our LORD, Jehovah-rapha, the GOD Who heals. C.

At May 06, 2005 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for baby Noah... hoping for an update on his condition soon.


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