Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A Year Ago

I went into labor a year ago tonight. I was scheduled to be induced the following morning, May 3, but Noah beat them to that. Because I don't want to have to think about what to write or not write in the following days, I will recount from Noah's journal and scrapbook.

6:15 pm: After finishing dinner at Salt Grass your mother's water broke, and Nana insisted I take your mom to the hospital. (That's right I had chicken fried steak before labor) Don't go home (we had no bags), do not collect $200. Your mom was cool and collected as usual. We took everybody including your sister.

6:45 pm: They don't have a room at the hospital so your mom is standing in the waiting room. Steve came and got Alyssa and Oma went to our house.

7:15 pm: Finally got a room and after 20 minutes they come in and hook your mom up to the machines.

8:15 pm: The nurse comes in to check mom.

9:09 pm: Nana wants to know after watching a commercial if I would jump off a waterfall. Ummm, no. Papa is pacing the room, seems really excited jingling the change in his pockets. I'm on the couch. Mom's in the bed. Nana's in the chair. Excitement abounds. Wait till Steve and Brad get here.

9:26 pm: Nana cracks a good one. I'll get her back.

9:37 pm: Steve almost drops TV on the floor, didn't spill cheetos. Nice. (This was a classic moment.)

10:47 pm: Nurses checks me.

11:00 pm: Nana, Papa, Steve and Brad go home. Daddy and I think we will try to get some sleep. The contractions are coming but not too strong yet.

12:00 am: Daddy is still trying to sleep. I am not having much luck. Too many things going through my mind. The contractions seem to be random still. I am waiting for my next one.

2:00 am: Dad's up because the nurse needed to start an IV.

4:50 am: Woke up anesthesologist for an epidural.

6:30 am: Still at a 4, starting Pitocin to jump start the process.

7:00 am: Stopped Pitocin, and waiting on doctor.

7:30 am: Doctor worried about heart rate so they put a monitor on your head. They are going to wait an hour to monitor more closely.

8:27 am: 10cm, waiting on the doctor.

That is where the log stopped. I finished it hours later as I sat in the room surrounded by friends, but no Noah.

10:30 am: They tell me that is when you were born at 9:01 am. Everything seemed to be going fine. doctor arrived and you were born shortly. You did not cry and that made me very nervous. The doctor had to suction alot of stuff out of your lungs and then we had nurses and everyone in here trying to help you. The said you were 6 lbs 15 oz. You were pink and heart rate looked good, but they are concerned with your breathing right now. We are waiting for the neonatologist to come and fill us in. I still have not seen or held you.

4:45 pm: Nana, Papa, Ann, Tiff, Kedra, Jen, April and Steve and cousins have been around most of the day. Everyone loves you so much and wants to make sure you are okay. Daddy and I have been into see you twice. The nurse says it gets you excited so we are not supposed to stay long. The main concern now is to get the fluid out of your lungs You are doing much better right now. They had your oxygen at 100 and when we visited it was down to 65. They will continue to turn it down until you are breathing on your own. They have tubes in your nose for the oxygen and a tube in your stomach to vent the air. I have been able to touch you but not hold you.



At May 02, 2006 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have not forgotten you, Noah, nor have we forgotten your wonderful parents and sister. We know you are listening to heaven's lullabies, but we also know how much you are missed so much here on earth. We know you are in a better place than us (heaven!) and that gives us great comfort.

At May 02, 2006 11:40 PM, Blogger Brooks Inc. said...


Your recounting of these moments brought smiles and then tears. I loved looking at the pictures of your beautiful son. His face reminds me of how deeply his life impacted mine. Such a tiny baby that made such a huge impact on countless souls.

I am praying even now that as the Lord walks you through these days you will feel His very presence enveloping you. Wishing I had better words and thanking the Lord that because of His Spirits abilty to intercede, I don't need them.

Praying for the Whaley family!


At May 03, 2006 8:00 AM, Blogger Marcie said...

Julie, Ethan & Alyssa
You have been in my prayers the last few days & weeks once again as this day has approached. I will pray & think of you often today, and the days to follow, and I know that the Holy Spirit will be your comforter once again during this time.

At May 03, 2006 10:15 AM, Blogger AMankin said...

I miss Noah & still have no words.
Love you guys! I am proud of you for thinking, talking, living all of this journey out loud. Keep being real-

At May 03, 2006 10:34 PM, Blogger jaime s said...

We are praying for you. Like so many others, we were touched by Noah's life and the faith of your family. We lack the words that our hearts would like to say but pray that you will feel comfort and peace as you remember your precious baby, Noah.

The Sandersons

At May 04, 2006 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe you are doing and being exactly what God would have. Praying for you as always with love,


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