Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Wed Morning

Mom called me from waiting room just before 9am. Saying the nurse asked her to leave the room. Noah's O2 levels had dropped to 70 and his heartrate was up to 180's. By the time I arrived at the hospital, mom was back at this bedside. They were doing a chest xray, and had called Julie to order some tests as well as a spinal tap. Noah has a 100.7 fever, which will cause his breathing and heart rate to jump up a bit. His breathing is more labored now, and you can tell by his chest and body movements. Could be a cold, but the tests they are now running/ordering will tell for sure. The spinal would give any notice of meningitis that would not show up in his bloodwork, and of course his bloodwork(CBC)tests will show any type of infections.
Please lift up Noah's little body in prayer before our Great Physician. Julie and Ethan were at the park with Alyssa this morning ...

uncle steve


At May 11, 2005 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just received a prayer request for your baby, Noah, from my grandaughter and wanted you to know that I am offering prayers for him and the family. Miracles happen (our's is 6 years old and playing t-ball) Have faith.

At May 11, 2005 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God's Boxes

I have in my hands two boxes,
Which God gave me to hold. He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box, And all your joys in the gold."

I heeded His words, and in the two boxes, Both my joys and sorrows I stored, But though the gold became heavier each day, The black was as light as before.

With curiosity, I opened the black,
I wanted to find out why, And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole, Which my sorrows had fallen out by.

I showed the hole to God, and mused, "I wonder where my sorrows could be!" He smiled a gentle smile and said, "My child, they're all here with me."

I asked God, why He gave me the boxes, Why the gold and the black with the hole? "My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings,
The black is for you to let go."

Dear God,
I'm putting my whole heart and faith to you right now - to ask that you be with Noah; to ask that you comfort Julie, Ethan, and Alyssa. That you surround your whole wondeful being around them. Amen.

At May 11, 2005 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie and Ethan,
As someone who can't be with Noah everyday, I am so grateful for your comments and to know your feelings. I appreciate your updates and look forward to hearing the latest each day. I wanted to tell you how much hope and encouragement your journey brings to those of us on the "outside". Julie, I am grateful for your family, to know that while you are enjoying time with Alyssa, someone is there with Noah. It comforts me to know he is being watched over. We are praying for you all today and always. - Ali

At May 11, 2005 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We continue to pray multiple times a day for little Noah, Julie, Ethan and Alyssa. Miracles do happen and we will continue petitioning our Almighty Father for one of His miracles to be granted to Noah and his faithful family. RB

At May 11, 2005 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie and Ethan,
I don't know you, but learned of baby Noah through Alison who works with my husband. Noah has really been on my heart, in my daily thoughts, and in my prayers. I was just reading this new entry and was thinking about Noah and opened a devotional book to a page called "Believe in Miracles". I felt lead to share it with you as I feel God gave it to me.

Psalm 116:7, 9
"Miracles happen every day. Some are extraordinary acts of God that alter the natural course of events, and some consist of situations where individuals have overcome tremendous odds to achieve their goals. But no matter how you define them, miracles happen. No situation is so dire, no goal is so remote, that you cannot expect God's help and intervention on your behalf. Miracles are unexplainable, but so are the other aspects of your relationship with God. You don't know why God loves you unconditionally and completely, but he does. You don't know why he listens to and answers your prayers, but he does. You don't know how miracles happen any more than you know how God created you in the first place. But you don't have to understand; you only have to believe."

Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.

I will continue to pray expectantly and believe that God is working miracles for your family.

At May 11, 2005 11:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ethan and Julie,

Butch and I are thinking of you and praying for you, Alyssa and little Noah several times each day.

Isaiah 41:10 says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

I know you are holding tightly to God's hand right now. May you feel Him uphold you and strengthen you as never before. You are loved by God and by so many!

With much love,
Melanie W.

At May 16, 2005 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work with Barb Hildebrand, she told me of Noah when he was born, my prayers and heart are with you. As our Lord carries us over the rough places in our lives, he speaks words of peace and blessing to our wounded hearts through his word. God has given us a great gift, we will see our love ones again one day. God bless you!


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